[HPforGrownups] Re: hehehe / The Fidelius Charm

Barb psychic_serpent at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 4 23:45:54 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47742

Julie wrote:
> Ok.  From cannon we know that Voldemort learned who his 

> father was > just because his mother named him after him. > . . . but I do not believe it actually states that this is > absolute truth. 
> What if in fact, Filch were his father?  And his mother 

> named him after the nice man who took her to the 

> hospital.  Perhaps his mother had a huge blow out fight 

> with Filch, and this is in part why he's so
> mean.  Maybe he does or doesn't know that Voldie is his 

> son.  If he knows, maybe he's helping Dumledore with the 

> fight secretly.  In not revealing that he's his real 

> father, then the whole potion that Voldemort made to bring 

> himself back is inherently flawed unless that
> family is somehow releated to Filch.
> Anyone proove me wrong or add to this theory?
> Julie :)

 Grey Wolf <greywolf1 at jazzfree.com> wrote:
The only problem with this theory is that Voldemort is 65 years old, which would make Filch at the very least 75, and probably 80+, and he doesn't look that old.
Um, actually there are a number of things wrong with this theory, and the above isn't one of them.  While we know Voldemort's age, we have no way of knowing how old Filch is.  Dumbledore doesn't necessarily look 150, either.  (Normally someone who "looks" 150 would basically look dead. <g>)  And I'm not even sure what you mean by "look."  If you mean the actor in the movie, that's not exactly using book canon to make your argument.  There's no indication of what he looks like or how old he is in the books.  Just that he's very bitter and a Squib.  So, although it's possible that Filch is around Voldemort's age or younger than him, that's not indicated in the books and isn't an argument against this theory.  There are, however, other things in canon to scotch this idea.
You mentioned that he was a Squib, but you seemed to forget about it after that.  Filch is a Squib.  If Voldemort's father was a Squib, he'd call him that.  Not a Muggle.  And the real reason, in canon, that Filch cannot be his father is that he ISN'T DEAD.  Voldemort needed the "bone of the father" for the potion/spell/ritual that gave him his body back.  That came from the grave of Tom Riddle.  In that it was successful and he HAS his body back, I think we can assume that Tom Riddle the elder was in fact his father.  I see no reason to speculate about this as it's very clear in the book.  Even if there's a possibility that someone other than the REAL Tom Riddle was his dad, whoever his dad was, it was the same person who was in the grave labelled "Tom Riddle," and since Filch is very much alive, that lets him off the hook.
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