conflicting interests (was: Exhuming...the Elder)
Malady579 at
Thu Dec 5 03:07:11 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 47754
Barb first wrote:
>Dramatically, it also makes sense that the only complication to the
>spell will be Harry's blood.
I then wrote:
> <Psst> Barb. Even without MD in tow behind me, another complication
> is also in the text. Peter's life dept to Harry. That also
> "flawed" the potion. A part, I am fairly sure, Voldie did not know
> about.
Followed by Barb writing:
>Thanks for that. <g> But I think the life-debt Peter has to Harry
>complicates the relationships involved and who is likely to be on
>what side, not the spell. There's nothing to suggest that Harry's
>best friends couldn't have performed the spell to give Voldemort his
>body back as long as whoever did it had the requisite ingredients
>(okay, maybe someone more experienced, but still).
Sorry, should of clarified my last point. The potion worked
beautifully. Everything that the incantation required was presented.
Voldemort got his body...he just got it with more baggage than he
expected I feel. Baggage that could greatly affect his plans and
intentions for his new body. I thought that was what you were saying
with Harry's blood and the potion. The blood makes it "flawed" after
the fact. Not during the fact.
What I was saying was that like Harry's blood, the fact that the
chosen faithful servant was Peter also factors into the aftermath of
the potion. That is why the potion is "flawed" now. Not because
Voldie used bones, flesh, and blood, but because he used *Peter's*
flesh and *Harry's* blood. If he had not used Harry's blood then
Peter's contamination would be nullified, I do agree.
The fact that Dumbledore is *so* excited about this "love" blood gives
evidence that there is something about Harry that could possibly bring
Voldemort down and Harry giving this blood (true, by force) caused a
major wrinkle in Voldie's plans. Harry's blood affected Voldemort in
some way.
So if Harry affected Voldemort, then it seems Peter's contribution
could too. And what did we learn in PoA? Harry now has an in dept
wizard on his hands. A wizard that just happens to be a part of a
major dark spell and now has a bit of himself in Voldemort too.
So Voldie is the rebodiment of Harry's "love" blood, Peter's
"life-dept" flesh, and his hated muggle father's bones. Nice
conflicting combination there, isn't?
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