Cat!Hermione and Madam Pomfrey (was Re: Some mistakes in book1???)

Eilan EilanofAlbion at
Fri Dec 6 15:18:19 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47841

> Ron actually explained this to Harry in the second book.(WARNING: 
> a direct quote) "Good thing Madam Pomfrey doesn't ask questions" 
> something like that. 

He did indee dsay something like that (only have the German 
translation of the book). I guess Madam Pomfrey is known around the 
students for not asking questions if they turn up 'damaged' after a 
spell they shouldn't even have tried went wrong. Although it really 
would surprise me if something like turning halfway in a cat would 
happen every day.


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