Thoughts? Beast and Disillusionment Charm

Anne R Urbanski urbana at
Sat Dec 7 01:43:11 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47875

Melpomene wrote:
>So, isn't that backwards? Shouldn't it be an Illusionemnt Charm or 
>> Anti-Disillusionment Charm, meaning the placement of illusion, false 
>> beliefs, and enchantments, or acting against the lose or removal of 
>> illusion and/or false belief? 
>> This popped into my head because we were discussing the charms that 
>> might be placed around the Burrow to keep muggles from noticing it. 
>> Any thoughts? 
>Well it wouldn't be the only one--backward spell, that is. This is 
>going to come awful close to being a "one liner" but "ENERVATE" as a 
>spell for re-animating an unconcious person is also backwards. 
>Ennervat, according to Websters means "1:to lessen the vitality or 
>strengh of 2: to reduce the mental or moral vigor of."

It appears to me that JKR actually should have had this spell be
"INNERVATE", which, according to the American Heritage Dictionary Online
Inflected forms: in·ner·vat·ed, in·ner·vat·ing, in·ner·vates
1. To supply
(an organ or a body part) with nerves. 2. To stimulate (a nerve, muscle, or
body part) to action. 

I wondered about the *enervate* spell when I first read it. Innervate would
make much more sense. 

Anne U
(unable to keep up with this I'm just poking my head in for a
brief spell ... pardon the pun ;-)

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