Couples in the Potterverse

clicketykeys <> clicketykeys at
Sat Dec 7 21:26:04 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47908

--- In HPforGrownups at, heidi tandy <heidit at n...> wrote:

> How do you know that JKR isn't trying to show
> parallels between Snape and Draco, as she's clearly


> Why is it impossible to think that she might be
> showing something similar with Draco? 

Oh, I think she's showing parallels between Snape and Draco. Just as I 
believe Voldemort and Dumbledore represent what Harry might be like, 
depending on his choices, I think Snape and Lucius serve the same 
thematic/foreshadow-y purpose for Draco.

However, also note that Snape is single and Lucius does not seem like 
the type of fellow to make Ginny get cow-eyed, at least from what we 
know of her now. ;) I think the point was that it's a bit of a stretch 
to claim that Draco will suddenly see the error of his ways and be all 
nicey to the Gryffindor bunch.


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