Wizarding Life Span vs. Muggle Life Span

ats_fhc3 <the.gremlin@verizon.net> the.gremlin at verizon.net
Sun Dec 8 00:27:46 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47920

All right, it's a well-known fact that wizards live longer than 
Muggles. However, here's a question: wouldn't the fact that wizards 
live longer than Muggles deter some wizards away from marrying a 
Muggle? You know right from the start that you're going to live 
longer than your spouse, and should you choose to tell your spouse, 
they know they will die before you. I know love is supposed to 
conquer all, but how would you like to go into a marriage knowing 
you'll have to live half of your life without your significant 

Another thing, too. Some of Hogwarts staff (well, DD and McGonagall, 
as far as we know) are, or almost are, older than then Muggles get. 
Would it be possible for one of them to have married a Muggle, and 
then widowed around 70? I'm mostly speaking about DD, because he 
seems more the type to marry a Muggle than McGonagall. 

-Acire, who has found a lot to talk about the past few days.

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