The Time Turner

IAmLordCassandra at IAmLordCassandra at
Sun Dec 8 20:20:10 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47963

Again, I hope you'll accept my sincere apologies if this has been done to 
death. ^^; 

And why make Time Turners if they can be so dangerous? We've seen evidence of 
a good few 'bad' wizards who could easily get a Time Turner. I also wonder 
what other kind of special circumstances there have been that Time Turners 
have been needed. Even Hermione couldn't be trusted. Yes, the whole 
Black/Buckbeak was really Dumbledore's plan, but that doesn't change the fact 
that what she did was illegal. 

Also, has it been said anywhere how far back a Time Turner can go? 


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