Could Quidditch really work?

h_potter_uk <> h_potter_uk at
Sun Dec 8 19:47:30 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 47967

Hello everyone,
   I've been lurking for a while, and I've been following the 
Quidditch posts quite a bit.  I can kind of see where everyone's 
going with the points, but I've got a question about physically 
playing the game.

How can Quidditch players stay on their broomsticks?  Your standard 
broomstick is kind of small, so how do these players zoom around at 
top speed and stay on.  I know, I know - magic.  But, even a 
horseback rider like myself knows, your seat neads more than a one 
inch stick under it. A broken tree in a saddle can be painful.  Even 
though you're on top of a horse, it's quite precarious sitting on top 
of a saddle that's not quite stable (excuse the pun).

In _Quidditch Through the Ages_, there's mention (on pg. 47-48) of a 
cushioning charm.  Is this standard on all brooms now?  And I'm also 
wondering about Quiddtich players techniques.  Do they lock their 
legs under the broom in order to stay on?  Furthermore, how can you 
steer a broom with one hand, catch a Quaffle or a Snitch, or swing a 
beater's bat at a Bludger, or guard a goal post with just one hand 
(or no hands) on a broom and keep it steering correctly and keep 

I don't really want my first post on this board to sound 
pessimistic.  If there really was a game of Quiddtich, I'd certainly 
be one of the first to try and sign up for it.  I guess Muggle 
physics just aren't cut out for Wizard technicalities :)

-Yours in Gryffindor,
Heloise Wesley

"'HARRY, THIS IS NO TIME TO BE A GENTLEMAN!' Wood roared, as Harry 
swerved to avoid a collision. 'KNOCK HER OFF HER BROOM IF YOU HAVE 
TO!'"  - _Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban_ pg 193

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