Wizarding Life Span vs. Muggle Life Span

Tammy Bianchi Resqgal911 at msn.com
Mon Dec 9 23:38:39 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48021

Acire wrote:
>>However, here's a question: wouldn't the fact that wizards live
>>longer than Muggles deter some wizards away from marrying a Muggle?
>>You know right from the start that you're going to live longer than
>>your spouse, and should you choose to tell your spouse, they know
>>they will die before you.

Since we are all speculating here, could a muggle married to a wizard
possibly live longer than ordinary muggles?  If the wizard spouse uses magic
around the house and on their spouse wouldn't this help increase their
lifespan?  Lastly, do wizards live longer purely by magic or due to breeding?
Wouldn't this make a muggle-born witch have a shorter lifespan than other


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