FILK: Something There...Ron and Hermione SHIP warning...

Strix <> kethlenda at
Tue Dec 10 00:01:54 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48022

OK, I've been filking for years but this is my first HP filk, so it 
might stink...Strix

(Melody: "Something There" from Disney's _Beauty and the 
Beast_.  Cast: Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Neville.  Setting: 
Gryffindor Tower, just after the Yule Ball.)

Her big brown eyes, her silken curls,
But till tonight I barely saw she was a girl.
She danced with Krum, and now I'm sore;
I don't know why I never noticed her before.

He glanced my way, at the Yule Ball.
But he thought I was just a snotty know-it-all!
No, it can't be, I'll just ignore--
But then he's never looked at me that way before.

What is this strange appeal-a,
Why do I feel all this jealousy?

True, I may be no veela,
But perhaps he's finally got the sense to notice me...

Ron was so green, but he denied
His indignation could be more than Hogwarts pride.
Just wait and see, a few days more,
There may be something there that wasn't there before.

NEVILLE (who hasn't been paying attention):
What?  What's there?

There may be something there that wasn't there before.


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