Weasleys and the Problem of Money

corinthum <kkearney@students.miami.edu> kkearney at students.miami.edu
Tue Dec 10 20:27:20 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48082

Darla wrote:

>  There's been something nagging at me about the Weasleys lack of 
> money. If they are so hard up, as they appear to be on several 
> occasions (i.e hand-me-down robes, shortage of family owls etc), 
> did they blow the money they won in PoA on a holiday abroad? 

I didn't see it as blowing the money on a just-for-fun vacation.  If 
I remember correctly (sorry, no books at my disposal), they traveled 
in order to see Bill, whom they hadn't see in two or three years.  
Why waste the money on luxury items that the family has done 
perfectly well without if they can see their oldest son, and get a 
vacation in the process?


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