[HPforGrownups] How do they know?

Maria Kirilenko maria_kirilenko at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 10 22:20:20 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48098

 "behold_smiodan <behold_smiodan at yahoo.ca>" <behold_smiodan at yahoo.ca> wrote:
Just a thought, and I'm sorry if it already been discussed, but how
do they know how many student there will be? I mean, from cannon we *know* (well
we think we do....) that only 10 kids per house get admitted so, how do they
know that exactly 40 students will be coming to Hogwarts and that exactly 10 of
them will be in each house, 5 boys, 5 girls? What happens if 9 boys end up in
Slytherin or 15 kids manage to make the Hufflepuffs any other house?


I suppose you're talking about the beds already being there when Harry and the other boys come up to their dorm after their very first evening at Hogwarts?

That's because of... House-elves! While the kids are at the feast (the Sorting is finished), the house-elves quickly put the beds in the rooms and sort the luggage. I suppose there might be some Hogwarts human staff for this job, even though they aren't mentioned.



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