Neville just can't! (Re: Which friend?)

Strix <> kethlenda at
Thu Dec 12 00:02:28 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48168

Janet Anderson wrote:

(naysaying the possibility that Neville will go over to the dark 

 Consider, after all, whose child he is. Isn't it likely that Neville 
> inherited *some* of the characteristics of a top-flight Auror and 
his wife 
> who were strong enough not to break under torture? And also 
that he'd find 
> the strength somewhere not to disgrace the memory of his 
parents? (Remember 
> what his grandmother said about "upholding the family 
> Janet Anderson

I'm inclined to agree.  I admit to being a shameless Neville fan, 
and therefore biased.  But I can't see him turning to those who 
were responsible for what happened to his parents.  I think he 
just might be an example of how history doesn't have to repeat 
itself--Pettigrew was weak and fell to Voldemort, but Neville stays 
strong.  At least, I hope he does.   

The one thing I can see influencing him to do bad things, IMHO, 
is not lust for power or anything like that, but loneliness.  I'd like 
to see the Trio respect him more (OK, Hermione already seems 
to), so that he has some support rather than feeling he's all 
alone in the world.  It isn't easy being sort of the class joke.


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