[HPforGrownups] Pettigrew's effectiveness I(Re: Rats! (Or: A Treatise on Ron and Evil))

Angela Evans sixhoursahead at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 13 18:30:46 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48281

 "clicketykeys <clicketykeys at yahoo.com>" <clicketykeys at yahoo.com> wrote:
> the Shrieking Shack scene Sirius mentions that Peter was passing 
> information to Voldemort for a year.

Hm. Interesting thought... how would Sirius have known what Peter's 
function was? Either this was an empty accusation founded on anger, or 
he has some kind of inside information.
ME: Well, it is not an empty accusation.  Sirius did have inside infor (though not from LV's side).  We know that the Potters knew that LV was after them (info from one of DD's spies), and DD suspected that someone close to the Potters was a spy because info about them (their whereabouts?) was most likely leaking.  This probably went on for about a year, until the time that the Potters were killed.  It seems that everyone in James'inner-circle was aware of this before the Potters were killed (ie, Sirius suspecting Remus) 
<<But Bertha is (IIRC) described as both nosey and dumb. I think this is 
another example of Peter getting lucky, because even if all he could 
come up with was, "Uh... come with me!" it worked. All this 
establishes is that Peter is smarter than Bertha is when her 
curiosity's got the best of her. And Bertha wasn't known for being a 



ME: Your argument is sound.  We can only speculate on HOW PP gets away with all his deception.  But if you keep putting it down to him "getting lucky", then I think you will underestimate him just as much as the Marauders did.




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