Evil Evil Fudge
ats_fhc3 <the.gremlin@verizon.net>
the.gremlin at verizon.net
Fri Dec 13 19:25:10 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48284
Susan wrote:
"Why then, in Goblet, does Fudge find it so hard to believe V is
rising again? After all, Sirius has returned to him. Another DE has
been revealed in Crouch/Moody. All the signs point to it, and yet
Fudge denies it?
It is possible, of course, that Fudge is simply in denial because he
doesn't want to believe it. But then, why did he so obviously accept
the idea in the Three Broomsticks?"
I posted something awhile ago on Fudge that never got any replies.
Here it is, because I want to see what people think. It's sort of a
neither-black-nor-white Fudge, or grey, if you prefer.
"So I'm re-reading GoF, and I was wondering, has anyone considered
the fact that Fudge knowingly brought the Dementor up to see Crouch
Jr., so that he could destroy the only person who could give a
believable testimony to V-Mort's return?
By the time Snape goes to summon Fudge, Fudge had already heard a
little bit about V-Mort being involved with the events of the night,
and he feared that Crouch Jr. would, in fact be able to give a
believable testimony and he was just hoping that by destroying the
only capable witness, this whole V-Mort thing would just all go
"By all accounts, he's no loss!" blustered Fudge. (pg. 703, US
The passage following that goes like this:
"But he cannot now give testimony, Cornelius," said Dumbledore. He
was staring hard at Fudge, as though seeing him plsinly for the
first time. "He cannot give evidence about why he killed those
DD is staring hard at Fudge because he realized that Fudge is bent
on ignoring this all, and that he knew the Dementor would preform
it's kiss. And, Fudge's taglines on this page are 'blustered', and
when someone blusters, they are usually searching for words to say.
So, how's the theory? "
What I was thinking is that it could just be Fudge trying to make it
all blow over, as I state, or it could be a "kill the messenger
type" thing, and Fudge let Crouch Jr. get Kissed so he wouldn't say
anything incriminating.
-Acire, who is tiiiired...never get up for work at 5:30 on rainy day
on 5 hours of sleep, then try to drve for 2...
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