House Sortings

Darla <> Talkative_alien_4000 at
Sun Dec 15 15:37:17 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48350

Hey all,
    I'm sure we're all pretty familiar with the qualities generally 
associated with each of the four houses... But the over-lap between 
them has always made me wonder. Obviously Slytherin/Gryffindor have 
over-lapping qualities, as do Ravenclaw/Gryffindor and even 
   But why does Hufflepuff seem to stand so alone from these three 
houses? I realise obviously J.K can not devote as much time to 
Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff as she does the other two.... but it still 
seems very much the isolated and almost disprespected house. Can 
anyone come up with a plausible purpose for/behind this? :-( 

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