The Unforgivable Curses
Ali <>
Ali at
Sun Dec 15 20:47:44 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48360
Ing said of Voldemort in the graveyard:-
>>> I don't think he wanted Harry to be weak. A weak Harry would not
have made Voldie look good, because it was Harry who
defeated him. Showing that he could defeat a strong and
accomplished Harry who had just won the Tri-Wizard
Tournament and could fight Imperio would be much more
Surely Harry was weak when bound to a gravestone and unable to
speak? He was injured from the Triwiard tournament, had terrible
pains in his head (ok, Voldemort possibly didn't know about this),
terrorised by the murder of Cedric and the reincarnation of
Voldemort. Then, Voldemort tortures him. Only after he has thus
further weakened Harry does he decide to "Duel". Even at this point,
he begins before Harry has a chance to do/think of anything. True,
Harry is untied and given his wand back, so he's not completely
helpless. But weak, I certainly think he was.
I actually think that Voldemort *did* want to show that Harry was
weak and helpless. A mere child who defeated Voldemort by fluke. This
is Volemort's failure. He seems so convinced that Harry escaped by an
accident, he's so sure of his own omnipotence that he can risk
freeing Harry. Unfortunately for him, his little game goes wrong.
Harry may be weaker but he still manages to escape. In effect, he has
defeated Voldemort yet again.
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