Madame Pomfrey AND EDUCATION
Steve <>
bboy_mn at
Mon Dec 16 07:29:14 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48374
--- In HPforGrownups at, "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
<catlady at w...>" <catlady at w...> wrote:
> --- In HPforGrownups at, "alora <chrisnlorrie at y...>"
> > Yes, I agree about the comparison, I have just always thought that
> > there is more to everyone at Hogwarts than meets the eye. You
> > brought up the "job specification" thing. What do the teachers
> > have as credentials? I mean, there's not a wizard college, that I
> > am aware of. ;)
> JKR has stated in interviews that there is NO UNIVERSITY FOR
> WIZARDS. ...edite....
> I believe that even tho' they have no universities, they have
> some vocational schools (vocational colleges) and some Guilds
> which have programs of apprenticeship.
> > That's another thing that I mull over quite a bit. How do you GET
> > your teaching position in the first place?
bboy_mn replies:
I like your concept of Guilds. It runs very close to my belief in
after Hogwarts education. I think there definitely is recognised
academic achievement after Hogwarts but it is handled by the private
sector. Accreditation is give by review of the Academic commitees of
private organization or possibly even government associated
organizations or as you suggested Guilds.
For example, the International Confederation of Wizards may have an
Academic Review Commitee. Most of the purely academic work is done in
independant study, as opposed to classroom study. From this
independant study, you submit your work to the commitee in a variety
of ways such as lectures, oral arguments, debates, demonstrations,
research documentation, publishing academic papers, etc.... In all
likelihood, it is some combination of all of these, just as it would
be at a university.
Once you have demonstated significant research and skill in a certain
area of study, and shown sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge,
you are awarded a Professoriate which entitles you to be called
Professor. More advanced study awards you a Doctorate which allows you
to use the title Doctor.
In reality, most colleges are private organizations and their Degrees
are really worth nothing more than the reputation of the school. There
may be many universities that give a better education than Harvard,
but it is the reputation of Harvard and nothing more, that backs up
and give prestige to a Harvard degree. The point I'm making is that
even in the muggle world, as I speculate it is in the wizard world,
the quality and prestige of you academic title is worth no more that
the reputation of the wizarding body (academic commitee, Guild,
etc...) that awarded it to you. So totally private (out of school)
accreditation is not that far fetched.
Just adding a few of my own thoughts. But I do like the guild concept.
Not only do you have a source of study and training, but you have some
organization to review your work and certify that it meet certain
standards. Make perfect sense to me.
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