
Kristjan Arnason karnasaur at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 17 05:11:38 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48419

probonoprobono wrote:

I speculated for some time that Durmstrang was located
somewhere in the Balkan States (Albania, Bulgaria,
etc.), but there is a comment by Viktor Krum that made
me rethink. He mentioned that in the summer there was
no nighttime (or was it the other way around? Sorry,
don't have the books handy). At any rate, I don't
think the Balkans are far north enough to experience
the arctic seasons. My geography skills are lacking
though, I could be wrong. :D 


Albania is in Southern Europe, right next to Greece. 
It is a hot place.  Albanians do not wear fur coats or
enjoy White Nights in the winter.  The same is true of
Bulgaria.  Durmstrang must be in Northern Europe.  By
the description given I'd say either Northern
Scandanavia (maybe Lapland) or North-western Russia. 
Or maybe Iceland.

Wouldn't it be funny if it was just down the road from
Santa's house?


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