Krum at Durmstrang (Was Re:Durmstrang)

corinthum <> kkearney at
Tue Dec 17 17:17:19 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48443

GulPlum AKA Richard pondered:
> So my doubts remain: why does Krum travel 2,000 miles to go to 

Krum may be an exception to the rule.  After all, he is a phenomenal 
athlete.  I don't know whether schools do this in Europe, but I know 
in the US it is not that unusual for outstanding athletes to be 
recruited by schools quite some distance from their homes.  I just 
recently read an article about middle school basketball players going 
to private schools in an entirely different state than their homes.  
>From what we've seen, Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang are the 
three largest and likely the three best schools in Europe.  If Krum 
was given a chance to attend one of these schools, rather than a 
small, less well known, and possibly less successful school closer to 
his home, I'm sure he wouldn't think twice about accepting. 


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