Of Rats and Ron

anakinbester <anakinbester@hotmail.com> anakinbester at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 19 22:29:49 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48556

--- In HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com, Susanne <siskiou at e...> wrote:
> I tend to think that JKR is just repeating what many people
> still perceive as the best way to handle a rodent.

That thought crossed my mind, but Iw as kinda hoping it wasn't true. 
If it is, it's something that really bothers me, because some could 
seriously hurt there pet rat handeling him/her the way Ron handles 

I've seen two newpaper articles now, one about Owls and Pets, one 
about Snakes and pets, because these people fear the misconception 
the books are presenting about these animals. 

I'm surprised I haven't seen such a reaction from the rat community. 
They reallya re incredably pets, but you wouldn't get that from the 
book. Course, Peter isn't really a rat, so that explains some of it. 

That's also why I don't want to flat out say JKR knows nothing about 
rat behavior, because perhaps all the unratty things Peter did 
(attacking Goyle being the major one) were to foreshadow that, hey 
he's not really a rat!

Still though that's an isue of do have with the books. I'm not found 
of her portrayal of the rat, nor the snake. 

The snake curled up is a travesty of a pet dog indeed =P I know 
perfectly wonderful snakes ^^;; 

Again, though, she's obviously playing to the commons terotype of the 
snake, as she seems to be doing with the rat. 

*sigh* as if those poor guys don't have enough bad PR as is ^^;; 

> and
> seeing how JKR chose the rat as animagi form for PP makes me
> think she doesn't see rats as the lovely pets they
> *can* be <g>.

<g> Oh don't even get me started *L*
When people ask me why I think Peter can't be all that bad, I always 
use his animagi form as part of my argument ^__^ 
(I'm of the belief that the form does reflect some aspect of the 
person, wheterh or not that's supported in canon) 

*L* The only character trait my own little rat as that's ever 
bothered my is an overwhleming desire to eat my books, PoA being one 
of his favorits ^^;; (as I named the fellow that does this Peter, I 
find it highly humerous. Justin isn't nearly as enthralled with PoA)

> And concerning PP/Scabbers fighting Ron to get away, I think
> that's also JKR not knowing how much it hurts to be bitten
> by a rat (or maybe we'll find out later that PP will save
> Ron, because he grew to love him, though he didn't seem very
> concerning when he cursed him during his escape).

Oh that is true. I had forgotten he did that. You're right that does 
show quite a lack of concern. I am curiouse though what he thinks of 
I'd consider it odd if he didn't feel something for the boy, or if 
not Ron, maybe Percy. Ah well. All shall be revealed to the patient, 

You're right though, judging from Peter's other behavior, the more 
likely answer is probably that JKR has never felt the "tiny feet of 
pain" nor an actual rat bite. 


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