Ship: H/H vs. R/H

samnjodie <> englishatjodie at
Sat Dec 21 04:51:32 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48632

I said:
>>>I'm new and I've just read over the summary of the debate i.e. who
will end up with whom. Frankly, I think it's obvious who Harry
will end up with, or at least who he wants to end up with (Cho).<<<

Sara said:
>>>I happen to disagree here. Cho is just a crush at the moment. Plus,
Cho was Cedric's girlfriend. Harry definitely won't be able to get
that out of his mind whenever he's with Cho. He'll remember Cedric,
then his recent encounter with Voldemort, it'll just be too painful
for him.<<<

Debbie said:
>>>>Actually, I feel it will be Cho who will not want to be with Harry.
Everytime she's with him, she'll see him as the guy who let Cedric
die. What relationship can be built on that?
Again, I think Cho is just Harry's first crush. I think someone new
will come in. I can't believe I'm saying this (because I've been
rallying saying it's not going to happen) but it might be Ginny....<<<<

Just to clarify: I'm not making any predictions in regards to whether 
or not Harry and Cho will end up together - it could go anyway with 
those two, seeing as their relationship is still *this close* to not 
existing at all - and what happened with Cedric will (or would) of 
course be a contributing factor.  I'm just saying that, at the moment 
anyway, Cho is who he wants to end up with; if he had to choose, 
right now, between having hermione as a girlfriend or having Cho as a 
girlfriend, he would choose Cho.  Not a second of thought.  I brought 
her up only as evidence of his lack of any sexual interest in 

Another point I'd like to add in opposition to Harry ending up with 
Hermione: The books are from Harry's point of view.  Everything of 
significance that he thinks and feels is revealed to us.  If he had 
any feelings for Hermione, we would know.  Harry isn't aware that his 
thoughts are being read by millions of people - and if he were 
interested in Hermione, at all, we would've been a party to his 
thoughts on it.

Also; When him and Ron were fighting, and Harry was spending all that 
time alone with Hermione, he wasn't as happy about it as he would've 
been if he had a romantic interest in her.  In fact, all he could 
think about when he was with her was how much less he enjoyed being 
with her then he enjoyed being with Ron.

If he had any feelings for hermione, he would've been glad to be rid 
of Ron; at least, while he was with Hermione.

eudaemonia_splinched wrote: 
>>>>[snip] as much as I'd like to believe Harry will end 
up with the one who he wants to end up with, at this point it's 
hard to see how he will get together with Cho [snip]<<<<

Oh, I wasn't saying that he would end up with Cho - I just brought her up as evidence of his lack of feelings for Hermione. I think you're absolutely right. 


Jodie :)

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