Ship: H/H vs. R/H

clicketykeys <> clicketykeys at
Sat Dec 21 18:55:20 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48655

--- In HPforGrownups at, "eudaemonia_splinched <
splinched at h...>" <splinched at h...> wrote:

> Additionally, after Cedric's death, how much of a fan of Harry will 
> she be? No one but a few really knew the specifics of how Cedric 
> died, but if a person were to be a student at that school I'd be 
> somewhat skeptical of how the *great* Harry Potter was able to walk 
> away -- he can save himself against Voldemort, but no one else eh?

Doubt I'm covering any new ground here, so I'll be brief. I think this 
goes the other way - Harry will have difficulty being around Cho 
because of what happened to Cedric. Sometimes it's easier to forgive 
someone else, and much harder to forgive yourself.


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