H/H vs R/H

samnjodie <englishatjodie@hotmail.com> englishatjodie at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 22 10:24:43 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48676

Penny said: "His feelings at 14 are unlikely to affect what he 
might think or want in his 20s or 30s."
K, but I'm just speculating on what I think will happen in the 
world of the books.  By the end of book seven, they will all still 
only be seventeen, and whoever they happen to have been in love with 
when they were fourteen will still be relevant.  It would be absurdly 
longsighted to try to speculate now where any of them will be in 
their twenties or thirties.  It's likely they won't even be anywhere 
close to where they are at the end of book seven, forget now 
when they are just past book four.

In the world of the books - and it is highly likely that any 
romance that J.K. intends to include in the series will have already 
been alluded to - the evidence points away from a H/H relationship 
and towards a relationship between Harry and Cho.  It also points 
(ambiguously, but still) towards a relationship between Hermione and 
If there is any relationship between any of them at all.
> Jodie :)

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