[HPforGrownups] SHIP (with some FF) Re: H/H vs R/H

Susanne siskiou at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 22 20:11:19 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48693


Sunday, December 22, 2002, 11:09:26 AM, Ebony wrote:

> What I do think is that Harry/Cho and Viktor/Hermione will have to be 
> dealt with at the opening of OotP.  What we in fandom take for 
> granted (the dissolution of those early romances) hasn't been certain 
> in canon.

I don't think this will  necessarily be dealt with at the
*opening* of OotP.

It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it took most of the
book for this to happen.

The way JKR has very slowly built up the relationships and
feelings, it would almost feel wrong, if the Viktor/Hermione
and Cho/Harry feelings were done away with too quickly.

I don't think we'll see a definite R/H romance all that
soon, either.
And yes, I do believe it's going to happen and
won't be disappointed if it does. I read the books before
joining any discussion lists, and don't see Harry and
Hermione any better suited for each other than Ron and
Hermione. Each relationship would have their unique problems
(which relationship doesn't, after the rose-colored glasses
come off <g>?) and I truly don't see the often mentioned
"soul mate" relationship between Harry and Hermione, so far.

JKR can convince me otherwise, fanfiction can not.

Also, it always puzzles me to see fanfiction brought in to
show us what the future could be like.
The characters in fanfiction are not the real thing and can
be made to do, say and feel just about anything the author
wants them to.

Some of the characterization is totally unrecognizable!
(I'm not talking about any particular story that was
recently listed here as recommended reading!
Are any of those positively portrayed R/H, btw? It's not
impossible <g>).

It seems some people like some fanfiction characterizations so much,
that when the "real" characters (JKR's) are different, the
readers somehow feel betrayed.

The long wait between GoF and OotP may have a lot to do with

Best regards,
 Susanne                           mailto:siskiou at earthlink.net

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