H/H by default? was Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: Why Ron is wrong for Hermione;

Jim Ferer <jferer@yahoo.com> jferer at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 24 11:24:39 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48776

Susanne:"So..., that means Harry's only chance for future romance is
Hermione?  And the same for Ron?"

Harry most of all; he's already been in the graveyard and watched a
friend die.  But it's more than that. The shared experience of all
three of the Trio is so incredibly tight and intense at such a young
age that yes, I foresee difficulties for all of them dealing with
"normal" life.

Harry is the one that might end up as the man alone. He might fear
forming intimate relationships for fear of more loss. One of my pet
beliefs is that Harry's going to pay a high price.

Susanne:" You don't think *any* of the other students at Hogwarts 
might have an inkling about what's going on with Harry?"

Oh, sure. I used Cho for my ficlet (had to pick somebody), but she's
suffered loss in this war already. It's the tight knit Trio that would
be the problem for the outside mate, not just the pain of loss Harry
will have.

And, of course, I'm not saying that members of the Trio will find it
*impossible* to form intimate relationships outside the group; but it
will be a problem.

Happy Holidays, Jim Ferer

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