House Symbols (was: CoS irrelevant?)
theresnothingtoit <>
mi_shell16 at
Tue Dec 24 22:35:26 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48798
This post really has nothing to do with the relevence of CoS but
something struck me as odd when I was reading the thread:
--- In HPforGrownups at, "erisedstraeh2002
<erisedstraeh2002 at y...>" <erisedstraeh2002 at y...> wrote:
>In legend, the griffin was believed
> to be the "adversary of serpent and basilisks, both of which were
> seen as embodiments of satanic demons" (from the What's in a Name
> website paraphrased from the Dictionary of Symbolism). I believe
> this to be a parallel to Gryffindor's Fawkes and Slytherin's
> basilisk, and perhaps a clue to a possible good-against-evil fight
> between Gryffindor and Slytherin 1,000 years ago.
Why is the symbol of Gryffindor a lion and not a griffen? The lion
is used to symbolise bravery I think but there is quite a bit of
speculation that Dumbledores office is the same office that Godric
Gryffindor used, still containing his pet phenoix. On that point why
isn't the symbol a pheonix either.
On another house related question why is the symbol of *raven*claw an
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