Lupin's Career and Other Wizarding Schools

Steve <> bboy_mn at
Fri Dec 27 07:01:20 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48854

--- In HPforGrownups at, "James P. Robinson III" 
<jprobins at i...> JIM wrote:
> When HRH first meet Lupin on the Hogwarts Express, Hermione 
> identifies him (he is sleeping) as "Professor R. J. Lupin" by
> reading that inscription off his battered, old case.  Since the 
> case is not new (and indeed is made to sound quite old), Lupin 
> was a "Professor" before he got the DADA job at Hogwarts.  
> ...edited...
> Admittedly, this  could have been an informal school or a 
> pre-Hogwarts Wizard elementary school or another Wizard school 
> for children above 11 who could not go to Hogwarts, but it does 
> point to some sort of extra-Hogwarts educational track, IMHO.
> Jim

bboy_mn doing his best Gilderoy Lockhart impression:

Can you all see me? .... Can you all hear me? ... excellent ... For 
complete details see my published works. In this case, Post# 47114 & 
48374 ...

...on the subject of Howarts and post-Hogwarts wizard education. 

Summary, I believe advanced academic degrees are handled in 
independant study by the private sector. For example, the 
Confederation of Wizards or the Fraternal Order of Wizards (I made 
that one up) have academic review commitees that investigate and 
approve academic achievement, research, published papers, etc... and 
upon reaching an acceptable level of knowledge, they will grant you a 
degree and title. 

I believe that is what Lupin did. Being shunned by society, he had a 
lot of time alone, and spend that time educating himself, and even 
gathering personal experience and perhaps doing private research until 
he was able to demonstrate to some review body that he had sufficient 
knowledge to be granted a "Professoriate".

As far as teachers being called 'Professor'; remember that not all 
teaches are called Professor. Madam Hooch is not called professor. 
Hagrid is not called Professor.


He was so happy about getting the job at hogwarts, he enchanted his 
name in gold letters on his tattered old case.

Just a few thoughts.


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