Underage wizards and magic use

melclaros <melclaros@yahoo.com> melclaros at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 27 16:35:54 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48864

--- In HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com, "Steve <bboy_mn at y...>" 
<bboy_mn at y...> wrote:
> There are some who have the theory that it was prophesized that a 
> born in Harry birth year would lead to the defeat of Voldemort. So, 
> Voldie told all this Death Eaters to go out and make baby boys in 
> off chance that one of them would be the 'savior' or 'destroyer' 
> depending on how you look at it. Perhaps if it was the son of a 
> Eater, Voldie could persuade him to join the dark side. There is a 
> similar event in the Bible, but I can't tell you what or where.

Similar? Hardly. You must be thinking about King Herod, who upon 
learning from the MAGI (the astrologers who read the signs and 
followed 'the star') of the birth of Christ, sent out his soldiers to 
Massacre every male child under age 2. Even Voldemort didn't think of 
that. Maybe he should have. It would have saved him a LOT of trouble. 
Although seeing as many of his most trusted followers had boy babes 
in arms it might not have gone over quite as well.


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