Peter a Gryffindor? and Azkaban Escape Plan (WAS: a Pettigrew Question)

erisedstraeh2002 <> erisedstraeh2002 at
Fri Dec 27 22:28:00 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48880

Snuffles (srsiriusblack) wrote:
> From what I understand, Peter was Gryffindor. 

Now me:

IIRC, there is nowhere in canon that says that Pettigrew was in 
Gryffindor.  It's a good theory, since we know James was in 
Gryffindor and he and Peter were friends at Hogwarts, but it's not a 

Snuffles again:

> Peter heard how Sirius escaped and how in animal form thoughts are 
> simpler than humans.... So if he had gone to Azkaban, Sirius had, 
> in a way, given him the formula for escape.... This makes me wonder 
> if anyone thought Pettigrew was smart enough to use it or if they 
> even thought that it was an issue???

Now me:

Sirius was able to get away with turning into a dog because no one 
knew he was an unregistered animagus and the Dementors couldn't see 
his transformations.  Since Pettigrew has now been revealed as an 
unregistered animagus, if he had gone to Azkaban, presumably the 
Ministry would have put someone to guard him who would be able to see 
if he turned into a rat and would be able to do something to stop his 

hoping Snuffles' sniffles dry up soon

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