CoS irrelevant?------ Is PoA irrelevant?

spi00000000 <> spi00000000 at
Sat Dec 28 01:48:27 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48890

Hi! I'm new to this list and to the HP fandom. I just recently 
recieved PoA for Christmas and devoured it in one day. I have seen 
both movies and read most of SS. 

I find my self pondering PoA's 
relevance. The only important thing I can figure is that it gives us 
a history lesson. We learn about the Potters/ Snape- MWPP back in the 
day at Hogwarts. But in this book, Harry doesn't defeat Voldie in any 
way, and he never relly battles anyone as in the previous books. So 
what is PoA's relevance?


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