Invisibilty Cloaks
ats_fhc3 <>
the.gremlin at
Sat Dec 28 22:51:45 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 48915
Susan wrote:
"If Mad Eye Moody's magical eye and the Marauder's Map can see Harry
in his Cloak, it would indicate that the Cloak is not completely
impervious. (It's been hinted in PS and CoS that Dumbledore can even
see through it, magical eye or not) So do the same old laws of physics
that bind the rest of us bind someone wearing a Cloak? If they can be
felt and touched, they obviously don't disappear, they are just
concealed. So do they cast a shadow? And if, as I suspect, they do,
why doesn't anyone notice?!"
Another fantasy series I am currently reading (and inpatiently waiting
for the next book to come out), The Wheel of Time, has people who can
either make themselves invisible, or make themselves appear as someone
else (no potions included). They do this by bending light and stuff
around them, so that people just don't see them. They also have
creatures that appear near invisible becuase someone's eyes just want
to slide around them. There is also a cloak that can shift it's colors
to make the wearer seem invisible.
I'm guessing that the invisibility cloak can refract light and color
to make it seem that the person wearing it is not there. They blend in
with their surroundings, but still can be felt and touched because
they are still there. They don't cast a shadow because of the way the
light is bent.
-Acire, who is without her trusty lap top and must wait in line to use
the house computer.
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