[HPforGrownups] Re: Aurors
Amanda Rush
yankee00 at earthlink.net
Wed Jan 23 07:08:19 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 33944
Extracting myself from lurkdom for this one:
I think Dumbledore abhores the dementors because he seems to abhore all things evil. The dementors, to me, seem to be the embodyment of all evil. Kind of like the demons of the magical world, with physical bodies. Dumbledore seems to be the embodiment of good.
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew MacIan
To: HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2002 1:48 AM
Subject: Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: Aurors
Greetings from Andrew!
A few comments on what we laughingly call
'intelligence' services...
--- tangawarra1 <rachrobins at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Its really interesting what perspectives we all have
> on the aurors.
> I'm an australian, and although i keep up with world
> politics, we do
> not really have a recognisable military force like
> the SAS etc here
> to relate to. I tend to think the aurors would be
> more of an
> intelligence service than brute military strength.
> (lets face it,
> aurors are challenging dark magic - that would take
> cunning, daring
> and intelligence, violence wouldn't be much help if
> you're up against
> avada kedavra lets face it!).
Perhaps thinking in terms of the US FBI; both a law
enforcement agency and one that has both national and
international intelligence functions. Most of the
Feds are, basically, cops; thus, in some cases, they
have both the need (so to speak) and the necessity of
killing people. They operate under Federal law, and
(theoretically) restraint. This seems to me to be a
good model of the Aurors, as far as we know them.
As for the curses...they're line-of-sight, just like
firearms. To me, violence via spell and violence vie
physical weapon is, in most cases, identical. After
all, dead is dead and the reason's pretty much
> It seems to me that Dumbledore abhores violence (his
> attitude towards
> the use of dementors a good example),
Possibly, but I reall wonder if this isn't an
objection to the modality. After all, at the end of
GoF, speak of the dementors as being the natural
allies of Voldemort.
> and trusts
> moody implicitly,
> therefore i feel that he would not have Moody at the
> school if aurors
> generally were like the SAS.
Concur. Vide supra.
> In addition to this, we dont know the real moody
> yet.
We know that Prof D trusts Moody. If that is good
enough for the Snape fans amongst us....
ICQ # 76184391
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