Hermione and Charmed School Supplies

uncmark uncmark at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 5 07:04:09 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39409

Was brainstorming with my niece (who hates it when I call her 
Hermione) and she asked why Hermione didn't have a magic bookbag to 
hold all her books in PofA or why Cedric's bookbag wasn't spelled not 
to tear. I had to tell her because the book would be shorter, but it 
got me thinking.

There is probably a untapped market for charmed school supplies. I 
could see a Slytherin making all sorts of cheating quills; what do 
you suppose a determined Hermione could charm if she put her mind to 

First, a bookbag with expanded space and probably a levitation charm 
to compensate for extra weight.

Second, I've noticed a lack of good research tools in the library. 
Remember how hard in was to find Nicholas Flamel in Book 1? What 
kinds of reserach aides would Hermione make?

I'm wondering if she could in the long run make a wizard equivalent 
of a computer to ease access to the VAST library at Hogwarts. In the 
Short run she might get Dumbledore-Dispensation to charm a mundane 
computer to work at Hogwarts.

Or personally she could charm a magic mirror ala penseive to catalog 
her ever-growing magical library. 

As you can tell, Hermione's my favorite. I'd like to see her and Ron 
(and maybe Ginny) challenged in OOP. The sorting hat judged them all 
brave enough for Griffindor. I'd like to see them triumph.


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