Basilisk Attacks

ck32976 ck32976 at
Thu Jun 6 16:31:21 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39463

Hello All!  I thought I'd revisit CoS for a minute...  I'm listening 
to the audio now.  I was wondering about how the basilisk actually 
attacks people.  I mean I know that it travels through the pipes, but 
the attacks are mostly in the hallways.  How does the basilisk get 
into the hallway?  I was thinking maybe water fountains or some such 
thing, but I'm not sure that explains everything. Also, how are the 
attcks targeted?  Does anyone have any ideas?  If this has already 
been discussed at length, I'm sorry for bringing it up again.  It has 
just been bugging me.  

Also, when Harry hears the voice of the basilisk, it is saying that 
it is hungry, and that it wants to rip, etc (sorry, I don't have my 
book with me to reference).  Why doesn't it feed on the petrified 
victims?  I know that's pretty gross, but why not?  

Also, Seeing as how the entrance to the chamber is in Myrtle's 
bathroom, why doesn't she know more about what's going on? I know 
that she wasn't there on Halloween, but what about the other times it 
was opened?  

Just a few thoughts that have been nagging at me.  

Carrie-Ann (who really should get back to work...)

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