[HPforGrownups] Hermione and Charmed School Supplies

Dave Hardenbrook DaveH47 at mindspring.com
Thu Jun 6 19:01:34 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39483

Wednesday, June 5, 2002, 12:04:09 AM, uncmark wrote:

u> Second, I've noticed a lack of good research tools in the library. 
u> Remember how hard in was to find Nicholas Flamel in Book 1?

Not to mention Gillyweed... And why did none of those books mention
the Bubblehead charm?  It seemed familiar enough to Fleur and Cedric.

u> I'm wondering if she could in the long run make a wizard equivalent
u> of a computer to ease access to the VAST library at Hogwarts. In the 
u> Short run she might get Dumbledore-Dispensation to charm a mundane 
u> computer to work at Hogwarts.

How about something along the lines of the Mauraders Map, except that
it points out to you where in the library you can find a specific
piece of info...

In my Oz stories, a computer whiz named Dan is applying his computer
knowledge to the magic in the Emerald City... Perhaps Hermione could
take up the same profession...


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