Unanswered questions

grey_wolf_c greywolf1 at jazzfree.com
Thu Jun 6 20:24:36 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39494

I thought a little more while pouring over my stuudies, so I thought I 
might answer again:

Marcus wrote:
> (3) There is a whole invisibility section in the library.  Harry was 
> hiding in it when he was overhearing the Hufflepuffs in CoS.  Why 
> aren't there more invisible people running around?  I just don't see 
> a whole library section with book after book simply stating, "To 
> become invisible, get a hold of an invisibility cloak."  Several 
> books would be on the manufacture of said cloaks, but not a whole 
> section.  It would be then called, "The Invisibility Cloak Section."

Most of the books could be dedicated to the theme "How to detect 
invisible things". A simple method I can think off would be a spell 
(which, since it requires a wand, and I'm not sure Snape has one, he 
wouldn't be able to use when looking for Harry Potter throught the 
school at late hours of the night), or any other magical mean (which 
means Filch would never be able to use them, even in the unlikely eent 
he has actually read them), and would describe other methods: using 
kneazles (such as Filch's cat), and how to enchant a magical eyeball so 
that it's user could see through anything, invcluding invisibility 

> (7) Why did Dumbledore just open the back of Colin's camera?  Yes, 
> the film was fried, but if it wasn't, he would have destroyed some 
> very valuable evidence.  How would he know before hand that the film 
> was fried?

Cindy answered:
> Even brilliant wizards can be clueless about Muggle objects.

My mother doesn't know how to operate the video. My grandmother doesn't 
know how to operate either a video or a computer. My great-grandparent 
probably thought cameras were modern technology. Someone who's 150 
years old wouldn't necesarily understand how does a reflex camera work. 
Maybe he's got a camera which doesn't present that "minor" problem 
(he's got it on the shelf, beside the put-outer, a lighter which 
doesn't ever run out of fuel, and it's called picture-restorer ;-) )

> Now for my question:  What house is prefectmarcus Prefect of?
> Amy Z

All these malevolent questions, and his thirst for trying to find 
flints instead of solving them surely puts him in Slytherin, don't you 
think? ;-)

James wrote:
> In response to some testing points  
> Gray Wolf wrote:
> ...

Gray Wolf? *Gray* Wolf? Ohmygod what have I done to deserve this!

:-) Please, Please, try to write my name correctly. it's not THAT 
difficult! Then again, one of these days I'll present my second 
alter-ego (look for a pst made by me on T-BAY by the name "Gray Wolfe", 
so it could get confusing...

Hope that helps

*Grey* Wolf, who has filled his daily quota of smilies on this post 

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