
angelsound2001 at angelsound2001 at
Fri Jun 7 19:18:36 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39567

Grey Wolf noted:

<<The sneakoscopes don't work at schools: Moody said
so, and stands to reason. The smaller versions of it
aren't trustable enough.>>

David responded:

<<...and we are supposed to believe him?  The
sneakoscope is developing into a running gag (Cindy,
does this count as gadget foreshadowing? No, I thought

In POA it goes off whenever Scabbers is around, so
they think it's defective.

In GOF, Crouch comes up with plausible excuses for
either disabling the Dark Detectors or explaining why
they appear to malfunction. They are, of course,
detecting *him* - the one clue which I feel even I
should have picked up first time around, not that I

Amy Z wrote: 

<<OK, OK, it stands.  The thing might still be too
sensitive to be useful (I've known smoke detectors
like that), but I suppose the mildest thing 
that's set it off has been Fred and George putting
beetles in Bill's soup, and that's not exactly
background-noise dishonesty. So I'm convinced--Harry 
should take the thing seriously.>>

As David noted, Scabbers sets it off, so that could
also explain the above example... Who knows? The
beetle incident might not even have registered!


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