Werewolf cures??? (Very Short)

ck32976 ck32976 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 8 23:38:10 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39605

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "bluesqueak" <pipdowns at e...> wrote:
> Errmm..cough:cough::::Flint?:::cough:cough.

I feel like a total idiot even asking this question, but I've been 
seen FLINT everywhere.  It isn't refering to Marcus Flint, or if it 
is, I really don't get the connection.  I'm sure it is a very simple 
explanation, but as I've not been able to keep track of the list for 
a while, I'm so very lost on this one...

Please help!


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