Werewolf cures?/FLINT

grey_wolf_c greywolf1 at jazzfree.com
Sun Jun 9 09:03:32 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39618

Carrie-Ann wrote:
> All this talk about Lupin has me wondering... Lockhart says that he 
> did a spell on a werewolf that turned him back into a man, and he no 
> longer transformed. I know that Lockhart himself didn't do it, but 
> he says that all othe things he claims to have done were actually 
> accomplished, just by other people. Does this mean that there is a 
> cure for Lupin? It may just have been an oversight, or I could not 
> be reading it correctly, but if it has been done before, why can't it 
> be done for Lupin? Any thoughts?
> Carrie-Ann

The most plausible explanation is that, in that particular book, 
Lockhart was not only usurping someone's acts, but was also inventing 
for all he was worth, and there is no cure to lycanthropy. That way, he 
could sell more books (and we know he's not the one to be burdened by 
scrupules when it comes to selling his books).

Carrie-Ann again: 
> I feel like a total idiot even asking this question, but I've been 
> seen FLINT everywhere.  It isn't refering to Marcus Flint, or if it 
> is, I really don't get the connection.  I'm sure it is a very simple 
> explanation, but as I've not been able to keep track of the list for 
> a while, I'm so very lost on this one...
> Please help!
> Carrie-Ann

A quick visit to Inish Alley (our database of ever-growing number of 
acronyms) reveals: 
F.L.I.N.T. (Flint-Like Inconsistencies Nitpicked Triumphantly)
(reference to the Slytherin Quidditch captain, whom JKR accidentally 
kept on as captain after he should actually have left school: a genuine 
admitted mistake).

FLINT is invoked at any time someone believes JKR has made an internal 
inconsistency of the Potterverse: something that goes against the rules 
she has set herself. Sometimes, it's interesting to note, those errors 
can be explained even when JKR herself admits it wasn't thought out to 
be like that: Flint, Marcus, failed his OWLS and had to repeat a year, 
which is why he's still around in PoA.

Hope that helps,

Grey Wolf, who prefers solving FLINTs to finding them, but is generally 
alone when doing so

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