Baby Voldemort

alora67 chrisnlorrie at
Sun Jun 9 17:00:04 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39627

I just read catlady's posts, particularly the one about the "hideous 
baby" Voldemort.  I had never thought about Bertha Jorkins being 
surrogate mother - that's interesting.  My own thoughts were that 
Nagini had provided some sort of egg, something that Voldemort was 
able to inhabit.  This isn't making sense, is it?  *sigh*  ;-)  What 
I mean is, is that I understood the book to imply that Nagini had 
provided a "snake baby"  (for lack of a better term).  In GoF, ch. 
32, it describes Voldemort:  "It was hairless and scaly-looking, a 
dark, raw, reddish black.  Its arms and legs were thin and feeble 
and it's face - no child alive ever had a face like that- flat and 
snakelike, with gleaming red eyes."  Does this make sense to 
anyone?  or am I waaayyy off base.  Just a thought! :-)


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