The Spying Game and the Shrieking Shack

marinafrants rusalka at
Tue Jun 11 18:08:31 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 39700

--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "bluesqueak" <pipdowns at e...> wrote:

> OK. You are Dumbledore. You are the most powerful magician there is 
> on the 'good' side [or the 'when-we-break-moral-rules-at-least-we-
> hate-doing-it' side [grin] ]. And you have only managed to hold 
> Voldemort down to a draw. In fact, until Voldemort tries to kill 
> Harry Potter, you're losing (see Arthur Weasley's comments in GoF, 
> the delight of the wizards in PS/SS, the extremely harsh measures 
> mentioned in PoA and GoF).
> And you cannot kill Voldemort.
> So what do you do, given the awful consequences of a Voldemort 
> victory? Do you decide that you'll keep your fingers crossed and
> that you will always be able to stop him regaining his body? That 
> there will always be someone willing to fight 'what seems a losing 
> battle'? Or do you try and work out a way of controlling Voldemort's 
> return, to make sure that when he does regain that body it will have 
> some built in weaknesses that might eventually help you, or Harry 
> Potter, or someone else in the distant future actually finish 
> Voldemort for ever?
> Yes, this is a deeply risky and decidedly 'grey' tactic. But it's 
> probably the only one offering any hope of an end to Voldemort.
> And what did Voldemort use to create a new body?  Which area is the 
> one where Dumbledore is most likely to receive superb advice on how 
> to create built-in problems? What subject is Snape most expert in?
> Potions.

Okay, I'm confused now.  Are you arguing that the Dumbledore and Snape
manipulated events at the end of PoA in order to ensure that Voldemort
uses Harry's blood to resurrect himself, thus becoming potentially
vulnerable?  But there's no indication of a connection between the
events in the Shrieking Shack and Voldemort's choice of ressurection
spells.  They're two unrelated variables.  If Wormtail hadn't escaped,
Voldemort would've either used someone else to cast the same spell, or
he wouldn't have been resurrected at all.

rusalka at

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