naama_gat at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 13 16:47:32 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39808
--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "Amy Z" <aiz24 at h...> wrote:
> OK, on to the dizziness-inducing aspect of Time Turners, where I
very possibly have no clue what I'm talking about.
> Eloise wrote:
> > >But again, I have
> > > the problem that the Dumbledore who sent them on their mission
belongs to the world where Buckbeak *was* executed. If they are
creating a simultaneous
> > > history, then that implies that there is a history where Sirius
> > > kissed..... Doesn't it? ....genuine question, because I start
to get
> > > confused
> > > when I think about this too long. ;-)
> And Naama responded:
> > > No, it doesn't create simultaneous histories. What happened in
PoA is
> > > that Buckbeak had never been executed. Ever.
> I can't agree with the statement "Buckbeak was never executed"
unless it is paired with its paradoxical partner: Buckbeak WAS
executed. Both realities are true. Otherwise, what is the point of
using a Time Turner? Just to gain yourself a few extra hours each
day? But why would you even have to do that? Hermione "already was"
in both Muggle Studies and Divination (or whatever classes met at the
same time). If her using the Time Turner doesn't change anything,
>why use it?
Because if she didn't use it, she wouldn't have already been in both
lessons <g>. Time travel is paradoxical and I don't presume even
to present the paradox coherently. I am sure that there are other,
much better qualified people here who can do that .
The thing is, the paradox really arises only when trying to wrap the
mind around *changing* the past. I mean, what *does* happen if you
kill yourself in the past?! Do you just "softly and suddenly" vanish
However, the way the story is told in PoA, Future!Harry and Hermione
are not changing the past, they are creating it. And that's not
really paradoxical (I think).
> changes the way things were. The second Harry and Hermione flip
>over the Time Turner, they have changed things.
No. Because the past (and there is only one past) already includes
the effect of their future selves. When Harry, Hermione and Ron had
gone out (first time around) through the Hall, Future!Harry and
Hermione are sitting in the cupboard. Whatever swirl the atoms were
given by their arrival and their actions is happening around the
under-the-cloak!trio. They are not aware of that, of course, but it
is happening.
who loves Eloise's posts and often agrees with her, but, alas,
is forced by group rules to keep silent on that :-)
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