Would JKR make Lupin evil?
foxmoth at qnet.com
Fri Jun 14 00:03:36 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39834
> > If JKR only put Lupin in the story to be the poster boy for
persons with disabilities, and the only reaction she wants to
evoke is, "Awww, poor woobie!" then I concede. This particular
hedgehog won't fly. Evil!Lupin is the product of nobody's
imagination but my own.
> That's a bit of a strawman argument, if you ask me. The only
possible alternative to the Evil!Lupin storyline is pathetic
Er, no. I was countering Ali's argument, which I should have
>>>it depends on whether you believe that JKR is using
Lupin to make a positive message. Evil Lupin gives a warning,
but it isn't positive.<<<
Ali was saying, if I understood her correctly, that Lupin has to be
good or it would send a negative message about seriously ill
people because he is symbolic of all seriously ill people. I
wanted to show that the message could be nuanced and still be
effective in persuading people to become committed advocates
and care-givers.
>>> If a potentially good and noble man is going to be pushed
toward evil by bigotry and hate, I wanna see it happen *now*, not
hear a speech about how it happened fifteen years ago. "Show,
don't tell" is the motto.<<<
The most important part of the scenario hasn't happened yet.
Remember, this only works if Dumbledore is betrayed. That can
happen on stage. So can Harry's confrontation with Remus
when he figures out the truth.
Ultimately the story isn't about Remus, it's about Harry. In my
version, it's about about Harry realizing what happened to the
man he thought he knew. By the end of GoF, Harry has been
exposed as a parselmouth, suspected of mental instability and
people are "formulating their own theories as to how Cedric
died." (I wonder if they've come up with MAGIC DISHWASHER?)
How will the wizarding world react? We don't have to see it
happen to Lupin, if it threatens to happen to Harry too.
By the time he confronts Lupin, sometime in Book Seven, Harry
will have had plenty of time to experience some of what Lupin's
been dealing with all his life.
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