MAGIC DISHWASHER and UglyBaby!Voldemort (long)
naama_gat at
Mon Jun 17 14:03:01 UTC 2002
No: HPFGUIDX 39976
--- In HPforGrownups at y..., "N Fry" <nmfry at h...> wrote:
> There has been a lot of debate about this topic lately. I've
noticed that both sides of the argument have avoided a little point
that I've been a bit curious about. The end result of the MD theory
is that our heroes need to get Voldemort into a bodily (aka killable)
form. They can't exactly destroy an evil vapor. I can accept that.
I've also noticed that the MD supporters focus on the post-potion
version of Voldemort when discussing the desired mortal form. My
question is: Why do they have to wait until he is in his
> restored adult body? What about UglyBaby!Voldemort?
I'm not a MAGIC DISHWASHER-er (or should it simply be MAGIC DISH
WASHER? <G>) but I think I can answer for them: UglyBaby!Voldemort is
not mortal. If his body is destroyed, he will simply revert to evil
vapor again. Only after the resurrection - involving Harry's blood
and flesh of servant (in life debt to Harry) - is Voldemort in
killable form.
hoping that helps
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