Lethal Harry

darrin_burnett bard7696 at aol.com
Wed Jun 19 13:04:45 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40058

Darrin wrote:

> > 
> > Is it possible that Harry could have spontaneously used AK, 
> > because he wanted to? 

And Random Monkey wrote:

> I think it wasn't so much that Harry was using specific spells as 
> he was making what he wanted happen. He wanted to free the snake; 
> wanted to get Tia Marge to shut up; he wanted to get away from the 
> bullies. (Didn't he also break a glass once?) Anyway, Harry didn't 
> even know those things were possible, let alone what spell to use. 
> think it was, as Hagrid said, "making things happen" (and from the 
> fact that Hagrid says it as if it happens to everyone indicates it 
> not be an isolated phenomenon... Remember, Neville bounced). 
> I always thought that Harry was more posturing than anything when 
> threatened Sirius. It's the same thing as people who are fighting 
> going, "I'm gonna kill you!" even though they have no intention of 
> doing so.

And Darrin writes again:

OK, re-reading PoA -- I can't get any definitive answers here:

Page 341, hardcover: 

Harry's wand was pointed straight at Black's heart.

"Going to kill me, Harry?" he (Black) whispered.

OK, I can't tell from that if Black is fearful or condescending. 

Page 342,

Harry is perfectly prepared to TRY to kill Black (and Crookshanks 
too) and Hermione, for one, thinks he can, because she "gives a dry 
sob" over Crookshanks.

Page 343, 

Lupin comes in -- I was wrong earlier -- Lupin COULD NOT have stopped 
Harry from killing Black, and promptly disarms everyone in the room, 
stopping Harry.

So from Black's reaction, I can't tell if he was scared of Harry 
really killing him, or just being properly cautious. Perhaps just 
having a wand pointed at you with murderous intentions is enough to 
give pause.

>From Hermione's reaction, she seems to really believe Harry can do 
it, but for all of Hermione's smarts, she doesn't know about AK at 
this point.

>From Lupin's reaction, he has obviously decided it's better for 
everyone but him to be wand-less while they talk it all out. But that 
doesn't mean Harry could have killed Sirius. 

My conclusion: 

Harry could have done some serious damage to Black. Lupin wasn't 
there. Ron had a broken leg, and Hermione -- a wild card in this, 
might have stopped him, but might have been too petrified with fear 
at this point.

Could he have killed him? Honestly, I don't know. BUT, for purposes 
of the story, the fact that he wanted to, and didn't, is probably 
enough to further establish what kind of young man he is.

> The Random Monkey, who is completely geeked to have her own acronym 
> (thanks, Darrin!)

Anytime, luv.

Darrin --
Wearing black today in honor of St. Louis Cardinals broadcaster Jack 
Buck. Pardon us, Jack, while we stand and applaud your life.

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