[HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: Sexuality in HP (WAS So, why did Snape turn on Voldermort?)

Dave Hardenbrook DaveH47 at mindspring.com
Wed Jun 19 18:58:59 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40067

Sunday, June 16, 2002, 6:40:06 AM, darrin_burnett wrote:
d> My point is that the real world and the Harry Potter world don't work
d> the same way. JKR has made a point of delaying puberty. Those are the 
d> rules in the world she has created. It's not unlike the old Hardy 
d> Boys books. Yes, they had girlfriends, but frankly, they were too 
d> busy solving crimes to worry about nonsense like that.

At least JKR acknowledges that girls (even magically adept ones) do
"notice" boys, and vice versa... Even *that* is major taboo in
most orthodox Oz stories.

d> Did you cringe when Malfoy and his buddies got smacked down at the 
d> end of GoF? Because all they were doing was expressing a different 
d> point of view. 

But it *was* an implicit threat, in the same vein as: "The last to go
will see the first three go before her -- And her mangy little dog


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