Nitwit & Com ;-))

Felicia Rickmann feliciarickmann at
Wed Jun 19 20:18:51 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40076

Oh I hope so - anything has to be better than earnest discussions about
dishwashers in any shape or form.

Having a first set of Marauders would give the second * set * something to
build on, the idea of the Marauders Map being very sophisticated magic
indeed even for bright sparks lie Sirius, James and Remus (Peter - bright? -
doubtful).  Being of an older generation their nicknames would be much more
old fashioned (150 years olf fashioned).

Alternatively, they could be a lot of old soap suds * g *

(still keen on The Incident)

Hey all. I actually managed to think of something that nobody's
posted before as far as I know: it just occurred to me that Nitwit,
Blubber, Oddment and Tweak are either secret nicknames of the
founders, or - get this - the Marauders of Dumbledore's youth, him
being one! Would anyone like to comment on that?



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