Dean Thomas

judyserenity judyshapiro at
Mon Jun 24 21:19:36 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40289

I'm frankly quite confused about Dean Thomas, and I'm wondering if 
someone could clear it up.  Here is the US version of his 
introduction.  After Harry sits down and looks at the High Table, the 
next US passage reads: "And now there were only three people left to 
be sorted.  'Thomas, Dean," a Black boy even taller than Ron, joined 
Harry at the Gryffindor table."  This passage is rather flint-y: after 
saying there were three more people to be sorted, it then mentions 
*four* people: "Turpin, Lisa" and "Blaise, Zabini", as well as Dean 
and Ron. 

So, in the British version, is Dean not mentioned at all during the 
Sorting Hat scene in Book One? I had assumed that everyone sorted 
after Harry was mentioned by name, but another possibility is that 
Harry was too relieved by getting sorted into Gryffindor to notice the 
students who were sorted right after him.  Does the UK version say 
anything to introduce Dean, other than mentioning his sports posters? 
(I assume Dean is one of Harry's roommates in both versions.)  

The idea that Dean is from an orphanage -- the same orphanage as Tom 
Riddle -- sounds quite possible.  I'd love to see Dean be more than 
just a superfluous filler character.

Judy, on a roll

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