Latin and the Founders

judyserenity judyshapiro at
Tue Jun 25 09:33:09 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 40309

[Lots of stuff about Latin snipped]

I think the Latin discussion is to veering off topic.  To bring 
things back to the Potterverse, let me say that I susbscribe to the 
theory that the particular spell words aren't essential; they just 
help one focus one's power. (I think this despite Hermione's claim 
that "Wingardium Leviosa" needs to be pronounced properly.  After all, 
a) She was a new student, and might have been wrong; and b) the sound 
of words in a particular spell might help a new user to get in the 
right frame of mind, but that doesn't mean that *only* those specific 
words would work.) So, I don't think there's any particular 
requirement that magic users know Latin.  We saw non-European magic 
users at the Quidditch World Cup, and I doubt they would use 
Latin-sounding spells. 
Eloise said:
> The point I was making here was simply that the founders don't sound 
like a bunch of Anglo-Saxons, or Jutes, or Picts, or 'Celts', 
whatever. ... But my point about 'Gryffindor' is that it sounds like a 
British corruption of a French name, the sort of name that would occur 
at a later point in history....<

The anachronism of the names, and of a thousand year old castle, don't 
really bother me.  After all, there is time travel in the Potterverse; 
the founders of Hogwarts could easily be influence by events that took 
place centuries after Hogwarts was founded.

-- Judy

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